Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Go Figure!!

Situation 1:
You know how there are times when u wanna throw something and when u don wanna throw it at something in particular and u almost always end up hitting that exact same thing...
whereas when u badly wanna hit on something[not a person!] placed on a wall or something u end up hitting everywhere other than that thing u were aiming at..

Situation 2:
You clean your house someday [under tremendous pressure & cos u don have a choice] u come across something that u never use..NEVER, so come to a conclusion that its completely obsolete and decide to let it stay where ever it was. After a few days or months u need that thing desperately and u know for sure its somewhere in ur house but how much ever u try u cant figure out as to where u saw it.

Situation 3:
Often people do a lot of small crimes, petty stuff like lying to your parents about going out and freaking out with your friends and tell them that ur gonna go and study?? [yeah like that's ever gonna happen] and lotsa such stuff small lies and stuff.. have u noticed how smoothly the execution of that whole thing goes?? its like wow... and then there's one day when u honestly don do anything wrong or bad but just end up being in the wrong place at the wrong time and get yourself tangled in a horrible situation u would never have seen coming [pity isn't it]!

Situation 4:
You know at various times when u see people and instantly think u hear a sound in the background going 'CLICK'.. man it feels like all the stars are calling out to u that 'The Right Person' and its not long b4 u realize u couldn't have been more wrong about the whole thing all along. friends, girl friends, boyfriends, study mates on various judgments and that actually in the end the perfect person was so close to u yet so far and that u wouldnt have imagined in ur wildest dreams that it could be that person.. [man!! life's tricky]

Situation 5:
There are so many times when all of us keep planning a particular thing with all vigor and anticipation and doesn't go your way and when u least expect stuff something perfect just happens.. Its not like a formula or something but it is to an extent always true that expectation and disappointment are directly proportional and expectation and joy is inversely proportional exactly why ppl love to have surprise parties thrown for them[hint: guys throw me one for my next b'day]

All situations are general assumptions on observing normal ppl's lives if it was other wise in the course of ur life it means u are.. u know wat i'm getting at.

You're welcome to comment and when u do so dont forget to put in other intersting 'tricky' situations that u might have gone thru or u escaped..


Anonymous said...

...quite an interesting analysis that u've posted. Really how often these circumstances do occur in our lives and all we can do is wonder as if it was dejavu revisited. Adorable post...made me think and then smile.

madhu said...

dude,dat ws awesome..except fr da first situation which i dint really understand.explain it 2 me l8r.guess i ve been through most of da other ones.really happens!

Kedhar said...

absolutely true... try reading this stuff called "murphy's laws"....

deepdown said...

Nice. Different variations of the murphys law.

Unknown said...

Luv u sweety.